Rules and Procedures

Camp Morgan Protection Committee
Rules and Procedures—October 2023
1.0     Authority
1.1     The committee was formed by vote at Town Meeting March 14, 2023 by the passage of Warrant Article 15. The amended article reads as follows:
“To see if the Town of Washington will vote to protect Camp Morgan Lodge Property (Tax Map # 11-67 and 11-41) from any further development by way of a 2/3 vote from a committee comprised of members of Conservation Commission, Forestry, Park & Recreation, Millen Lake Association, and Planning Board for any changes of use. With a 2/3 vote, the Governing Body would then be obligated to present the change of use request to the Legislative body for a 3/4 vote by Ballot question.”
2.0    Members
2.1      Members shall be one person chosen by each of the 5 member organizations for the term specified.
2.2      Alternate Members shall be those chosen by the member organizations for a specific meeting.
3.0      Officer
3.1      The officer of the committee shall one member chosen by the group as Chair.
a. The Chair shall preside over all meetings and hearings; shall prepare, with the assistance of the Secretary, an annual report; and shall perform other duties customary to the office.
4.0      Secretary
4.1      The Secretary shall be the person elected to the position by a majority vote of the members for a specified term.    The person is not required to be a member and if not, will not have a vote. The Secretary shall keep a full and accurate record of proceedings at each meeting and fulfill such duties as the Chair may specify.
5.0      Meetings
5.1  Annual meeting -There shall be an annual meeting at a time and place determined by the members.
5.2  All meetings are open to the public and must be noticed.
5.3  Except for the annual meeting there will only be a meeting called when there is an issue to consider concerning the Camp Morgan Property.
5.4   Other meetings may be called at the request of three members of the committee.


6.0      Quorum

6.1   A majority of the members of the committee shall constitute a quorum and are required for any discussion. All 5 members of the committee shall constitute a quorum and are required for a vote. A 2/3 vote is required for passage of any matter.

7.0      Amendments

7.1   These rules and procedures may be amended by a 2/3 vote of the members.